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Englischunterricht, 7.-9. Klasse, Schuljahr 2021/22

Besuch aus Malta

Im November besuchte eine junge Lehrerin aus Malta unsere Schule. Die Englischschüler/-innen aller Stufen kamen so in den Genuss einer Englischlektion mit einer Muttersprachlerin.

Für viele Lernende war dies das erste Mal, dass sie auf jemanden mit Muttersprache Englisch ohne jegliche Deutschkenntnisse trafen. Dieser Austausch machte viel Spass, stärkte das Vertrauen in die eigenen Englischkenntnisse und weckte den Wunsch nach mehr. Im Folgenden einige Zitate der Schüler und Schülerinnen aus dem Rückblick auf diese Lektion.

On Thursday, 4 November, we had a lesson with a teacher from Malta. Malta is an island south of Italy. It was a great lesson with Claudia because it was something else. (Xenia)

The woman from Malta, her name was Claudia, taught all English levels (A/B/C). (Milena)

We had an English lesson with Claudia, she is from Malta. At the beginning she introduced herself, she told about her life and where she lived. (Nils)

She started her job as a teacher at the age of 18. (Samsan)

First we played a game to get to know each other better. (Jan)

We could write 4 words on an empty paper and then a partner had to guess the link between the word and the writer. This was my favourite task. (Arno)

After that Claudia showed us different pictures of food and we had to name them. Then she showed us kitchen appliances and we had to name them also. In the last task she showed us kitchen furniture we had to name also. (Chiara)

Claudia could explain well, and she spoke comprehensibly and not too fast. (Leandra)

We got to know a lot of words. The lesson passed very quickly. (Kim)

I’ve learnt the idiom ‘break a leg’ which means ‘good luck’. (Amanda)

I liked Claudia very much because she was very open, and you felt comfortable with her. She also made a lot of examples to make us understand everything. (Jael)

The lesson was very nice. Some words I didn’t understand but the most I understood. It was a nice experience. I have never met anyone from Malta before. (Melanie)

I really liked the English lesson because we couldn’t communicate in German with Claudia. I think it would be cool if we could do something like that again. I really enjoyed the lesson. (Pascal)

It was very interesting to be taught by a teacher who doesn’t speak German. (Nadine)

Everyone was very concentrated. Claudia teaches at a language school in Malta. I can imagine going there and study at this school. (Jael)

The lesson was great and funny. (Alexandra)

Texte und Fotos: Lernende der ISS Entlebuch und R. Hofstetter, FLP ORST